iOS application for musicians to find other musicians to jam with and host events.

Patient Management App

This was a project sponsored by the Autism Treatment Center. I led a complete overhaul of the application frontend so that the application would meet all client requirements.

SHPE UTD ResumeBook

A catalog of Resumes from all the SHPE members. Sponsors can log in and use a wide variety of tools to filter and select the types of people they may be looking to hire.
Placeholder image

SHPE UTD Website-Redesign

Reimplementation of the SHPE UTD chapter website with more modern technologies. New design places a heavier emphasis on being more user-friendly and useful for members.

Financial Atlas

Webapp intended to educate teenagers in modern financial literacy. Won the Capital One prize for Best Financial Hack at HackUTD VII.
This was a semester-long application made for ACM Projects. We trained an AI model using AWS Rekognition to be able to recognize basic ASL hand signs. We won the second place prize for that semester.

Music For The Deaf

This was a project that we worked on during the capstone PLTW engineering course (Engineering Design and Development). The machine is intended to aid hearing-impaired individuals play the piano and experience music through a visual medium. The project was awarded the first place prize out of over 50 projects.